IRS Payment Plans You Need To Know About

Owe the IRS and wonder What You Can Do?

Three Simple "Fox Tax Tips"

Fox Tax Tip #1: Get a Short-Term Extension

If you owe a relatively small amount that you can pay within 120 days, call the IRS to request a short-term extension of time to pay, more often than not, they will agree.

Fox Tax Tip #2: Request an Installment Agreement

If you need more than 120 days, you may be able to request an Installment Agreement. With an installment agreement, you, or your trusted Tax Advisor will work with the IRS to determine how much you'll need to pay each month.

Fox Tax Tip #3: Request a Partial Payment Installment Agreement

Sometimes taxpayers owe so much, that they simply cannot afford to pay off their entire tax debt in a reasonable period of time. As a result, the total remaining tax debt (including ALL penalties & interest) is forgiven.

However, obtaining the approval of a Partial Payment Plan, is a lot more complicated than a regular installment agreement.

So, you should consider speaking with an Experienced Tax Resolutions Professional, and get yourself Pre-Qualified First.

If you have a tax problem, and need to be sure you understand your options, call Fox Tax Solutions today, at (281) 369-4489, or logon to